
国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文 国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文翻译

频道:旅游户外 日期: 浏览:1229

由于men担心在国庆节北海会有很多人,所有men在十月四号才去men的第一站是北海银滩men发现银滩上有大量的人在海滩外,除了人men都看不到海虽然很震惊,但是men还是迅速的加入到海滩上的人群的假期yīngzuò文;The holiday I went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai museum 假期去了外滩,参观了上海博物馆;The national day,an important festival in china I had a journey to NanJing, which is the capital city of Jiangsu Province My favourite feature spot is Xuanwu lake, in which I enjoy a happy day I saw;国庆节要到了,已经定了一个计划,的父母去北京,因为那有很多名胜古迹首先men要去长城 ,它被认为是世jiè七大奇观之一第二men要参观颐园,许多帝王避暑的地方然后men去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行最后;国庆节来了,有七天的假期men全家去北京度假,那是一个美丽的城市men在那里待上一个星期men住的旅馆很漂亮,men享受可口的咖啡,听着流行音乐,men了解了那儿人men的生活习俗menhuān那里美丽的风景,huān

中文简体越南语yīng语 詹姆斯你好,的朋友,在哪里你打算在国庆日吗幸运的去桂林 汤姆已经去了上海丽莎去了北京琳达去了香港道格拉斯去纽约史蒂夫去马德里你怎么样,詹姆斯詹姆斯;Where are you going to spend with your National Holidays?希望能够帮到楼主;这个假期你去哪里玩 Where are you going to play this holiday?在平时的学习中,men注意到一般的时间状语前都有介词inonat或for 等,而shí际上在yīng语中,有不少表示时间的状语前是不加介词的1在 today, tomorrow;go for your National Day holiday?BI will go to USAAWow! That#39s awesome!BHow about you?A I will go to Tokyo to visit my friendB Sounds good! Good luck for you!A Thanks, you too。

国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文 国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文翻译

Where will you go to play on National Day?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck;翻译1 Where do you plan to spend your holiday?2 Whom do you plan to travel with during the holidays?3 Where have you been for the last National holiday?4 How many days off do you have in。

On this National Day, I invited my friends go to People#39s Park Mary is my classmate, she was the first to arrive the park Then, later on, my best friend also joined me in the park and we played;一写zuò思路 这个属于计划出行的zuò文,一般涉及人物事件,所men采取将来时态的格式去计划men假期的事情开头可点题说明men要去公园玩,中间就重点记叙自己在公园玩可能会发生的事情,结尾总结一下期待假期过的怎么样;回答翻译如下你国庆节假期去了哪里去了上海参观了上海博物馆Where did you go on National Day holiday?I went to Shanghai and visited the Museum of Shanghai;“国庆假期”的yīng语National holiday读音#712n#230#643#601n#601l #712h#596l#601di1国庆假期在国庆假期,去了太湖的家人The National Day holiday On National Day。

National Day last year, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went toXiAn by car In the morning we came down the mountain I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom We climb up the hill along。

国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文 国庆大假你们去哪玩啊英文翻译