
国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语 国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语怎么说

频道:旅游户外 日期: 浏览:1232

1、国庆期间,我和我的父母朋友le泰山我们乘坐一个小时的巴士到那那一天有成千上万的人我们加入他们爬山很快就到le我们感到很累,但我们继续爬山我们花le大约两个小时到达山顶风很凉爽,景色很美我们;如果我有机会的话,我想北京的第一,因为它是我们的首都有许多著名的名胜古迹,例如长城天安门广场,北hǎi公园等等我要带许多照片,因为他们将帮助我记住这次旅行,直到永远我们知道奥运会已经在北京举行所有的人都在;回答和翻译如下你国庆jié假期lelehǎi参观lehǎi博物馆Where did you go on National Day holiday?I went to Shanghai and visited the Museum of Shanghai;5National Day is comingI like traveling very much I want to travel all over the world Because I think traveling is quite interesting At the same time, we can watch beautiful scenery It also can;中文简体越南语英语 zhān姆斯你好,我的朋友,在哪你打算在国庆日吗幸运的我桂林 汤姆我已经lehǎi丽莎我le北京琳达我le香港道格拉斯我纽约史蒂夫我马德你怎么样,zhān姆斯zhān姆斯;国庆jiéle,学校给我们放le长假,所以今天爸爸妈妈特地带我们到动物园玩早上,我们早早的吃过早饭之后,爱美的爸爸妈妈都精心的打扮le一番,让我们姐妹两硬是等le很长时间终于我们耐着性子等到le可以出门的那一刻坐。

国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语 国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语怎么说

2、On this National Day, I invited my friends go to People#39s Park Mary is my classmate, she was the first to arrive the park Then, later on, my best friend also joined me in the park and we played;We take a holiday of 7 days because of the National DayAs we all know,Ottober 1 is the National Day of China in Gregorian calendarIn the holiday I went to visit the Yellow River Forest Park togeter;I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house在那段时间,我玩得很开心首先,我动物园看le那些可爱的动物接着,我le水上世界看那些美丽的鱼,那真是有趣其次,我还与父母一起;翻译1 Where do you plan to spend your holiday?2 Whom do you plan to travel with during the holidays?3 Where have you been for the last National holiday?4 How many days off do you have in;由于我们担心在国庆jiéhǎi会有很多人,所有我们在十月四号才我们的第一站是北hǎi银滩我们发现银滩上有大量的人在hǎi滩外,除le人我们都看不到hǎi虽然我很震惊,但是我们还是迅速的加入到hǎi滩上的人群我的假期英语作文;Now National Day is comingI have made a plan for it I am going to Beijing with my parentsBecause there are many places of interest First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one o。

国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语 国庆的假期去哪玩好呢英语怎么说

3、国庆jié假期就要来临le,这让我感到很是兴奋我不久计划过一个 完全没有压力 的假期我将和我父母北京度假,那绝对是一次奇妙的旅行 我将参观故宫和天安门广场,我认为它们很是雄伟美丽然后我们将游赏颐和园,它是;“国庆假期”的英语National holiday读音#712n#230#643#601n#601l #712h#596l#601di1国庆假期在国庆假期,我le太湖和我的家人The National Day holiday On National Day;The national day,an important festival in china I had a journey to NanJing, which is the capital city of Jiangsu Province My favourite feature spot is Xuanwu lake, in which I enjoy a happy day I saw。

4、Where are you going to spend with your National Holidays?希望能够帮到楼主。